#5SmartReads - January 20, 2023

Shibani on New Year's resolutions, influencers recession, and the recommended step-down of a judge

A transplant from Mumbai, India, Shibani lives in Cleveland, Ohio with her husband and two rescue dogs. She's an avid reader, amateur gardener, and recently re-activated her blog!

It’s the time of year when we’re making resolutions (or have already made them), but have you set yourself up for success?

Besides the obvious advice of making SMART resolutions (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound), this piece goes a little deeper with action items so you can actually stick with them.

I first heard of P-22 in a recent episode of 99% Invisible which talked about the need to re-think and re-design cities to make them safer for humans and animals alike. The short story is that P-22 is a mountain lion who crossed one of LA’s busiest freeways and got stuck in the Hollywood Hills with no way to make his way back.

He has now been captured, and wildlife experts are evaluating him to determine what they should do next.

I’m endlessly fascinated by influencer culture.

For those who generate revenue from affiliate links, it’s a little bit like retail, except the influencer is neither the manufacturer or retailer – they’re a third party whose career depends on consumers buying stuff. And it turns out, there’s a rising backlash to “stuff” either environmental, ethical, or plain monetary.

This piece is particularly focused on luxury consumption, and brings up some interesting points to ponder.

I remember listening to Season 3 of Serial and being absolutely horrified that this was happening in the judicial system in my very own county. These are elected positions and I’m very sorry to say that he was re-elected in the immediate election following the release of Serial, despite his documented behavior.

It is absolutely CRITICAL that you vote in every election so you have a say in things like this.

As always, I like to wrap up with something fun! If you’re trying to eat less bread for whatever reason, you are probably going to want to skip this piece.

“The baguette "celebrates the French way of life," UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said.

"The baguette is a daily ritual, a structuring element of the meal, synonymous with sharing and conviviality," she added."It is important that these skills and social habits continue to exist in the future."

If you had to pick one food to represent the United States, what would it be?


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