#5SmartReads - January 6th, 2022

Hitha on 1 year ago today, setting a framework for 2022, and how to do the splits

A quick reminder that you can click over to the #5SmartReads site and leave your thoughts in the comments of each post! I love hearing your thoughts and perspectives on each of these reads. See you there!

Many folks have moved on from January 6th, 2021. If you have to protect your peace and mental sanity, I completely understand that.

I have not been able to.

While it’s been nearly two decades since my time on the Hill (working for then-Congressman Jay Inslee), I still consider the Capitol one of the most sacred places for me.

I loved hearing the click of my heels on the marble floors, walk/jogging Carrie Bradshaw style from office to office to get signatures for an amendment. I loved giving tours of the Capitol to visiting constituents. I even loved correspondence day - when much of the junior staff would gather to fold and stuff responses to constituents on a slow day when Congress wasn’t in session.

Working on the Hill was one of my very first jobs, and one of my very favorites.

The insurrection last year shook me to my core, and part of me remains shaken one year later. And reading the words of someone who was there that day - and continues to be there - I can’t help but mourn that this country will never be the same, given the number of Americans who believe it was Antifa behind the attack, or that it was a peaceful protest, or not that big of a deal.

It was a big deal. It still is a big deal. And I worry for our government and our future as a nation if we cannot agree on this simple fact, and how to actually move from this.

I have a random desire to be able to do the splits again. This may be influenced by my love for Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and watching Kyle break them out after a margarita or two (honestly, a boss move).

Wade Bryant helped Lizzo nail hers. Wade - can you help a woman here??

The secret is honestly no secret at all - it’s to prioritize stretching as a daily ritual and practice regularly, and his Instagram feed has a lot of really helpful tips and techniques to help you gain more flexibility and mobility.

Guess it’s time to start dusting off the stretching content on my Peloton app…

If you are Latino (I’m going to go with the term most Latinos prefer here), I’m eager to hear your thoughts about this.

Did you adopt the term Latinx? Are you still saying Latino or Latina (and what about non-binary people? Genuinely curious).

The pushback on Latinx is swift and powerful - Representative Gallego of Arizona announced that his staff will not be using the term in official communications, as is the League of United Latin American Citizens.

I welcome the perspectives of our Latina friends (as this community is largely women and women-identifying). Please leave them in the comments of this post on the #5SmartReads website!

2022 Year Mapping + Surprises (Blessing Adesiyan: Women Unlearn) 

Have you subscribed to Blessing’s new newsletter? You MUST. It’s brilliant.

Come for an actionable and non-intimidating framework for setting yourself up for the new year, and stay for the immune-boosting tea that I’m now making potfuls of. It’s delicious, and if it can help boost my immunity in viral times, I’ll take it.

What I find so refreshing about Blessing’s approach is that the uncertainty of this year (especially for parents) is a major factor in her planning process, and not an afterthought. She brings her MBA and corporate strategy experience to a fairly simple process that puts you firmly in control, versus feeling like you’re mirroring someone else’s goals that don’t align with your life.

Blessing - I can’t wait to see what else you share in your newsletter. Also go follow her on Instagram if you’re not already.

For as rare as preeclampsia is claimed to be, I know a shocking number of people who suffered from it in their pregnancies and deliveries.

Nearly all of them went undiagnosed during their pregnancy, even when exhibiting some of the symptoms.

The secret to detecting preeclampsia during pregnancy through a simple blood test could be the cell-free RNA, and not just the 4 genes that were previously identified in birthing people in prior research.

Preeclampsia could be detected by this blood test early in pregnancy. Even more importantly, this research can allow for more insights in pregnancy, fetal development, and precision care for the birthing person and baby if complications should arise.


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