#5SmartReads - May 1, 2023

Jenny on John Fetterman paying it forward, parental leave, and spring cleaning secrets

Genevieve “Jenny” Dreizen is the co-founder and COO of Fresh Starts Registry, the first and only platform for everything you need to begin again, including divorce or breakup, moving, career changes, stepping into your truth, or starting again after grief. On the heels of her sister Olivia’s divorce, which prompted Olivia to have an ‘aha moment’ when she realized we needed to reframe the narrative around big life changes, and her own decade-long relationship ending Olivia and Jenny founded Fresh Starts as the first Support Registry and Divorce Registry to help remove the overwhelm of starting over following any big, bold life transition as well as assemble the hype team of experts to support them through it.

Jenny is passionate about creating usable, efficient, and beautiful systems to run Fresh Starts to maintain their Experts, Support Specialists, and Freshies. When not planted in front of her multi-screen setup, Jenny might be found baking brownies, working on a poem or essay, or doing her favorite thing - going for a walk and buying herself a little treat.

I have been impressed consistently by the conversations John Fetterman is willing to have around his mental health. The Senator from Pennsylvania has spoken openly and honestly about his clinical depression and the need for him to take time away from both his job and family to seek help.

I am a big, big proponent that when you tell your story you do not know who it will serve as a roadmap to. And I can assure you, and Mr. Fetterman, that his story will have a great ripple effect - changing lives and hearts of many more people than we will ever be able to track.

For someone so accomplished and impressive to share their mental health struggles helps normalize treatment, care and support for all of us, far beyond his constituents. 

Even though it feels like it's been around FOREVER social media is still a bit of a quagmire. Navigating relationships and social media is an ever shifting landscape and so I loved this little check in from therapists on social media concerns when it comes to romantic relationships from Rebecca Strong.

This piece is a good reminder that what we put out in the world, in this case photos, is an indicator of what's going on within us. Susan Trotter does well to remind us that if someone's social media is over manicured and perfectionistic it's a solid indication that they are seeking external validation. What a solid and important reminder! The piece holds a ton of great and interesting information and most importantly maybe it will remind you to go post a candid shot with your honey - we'd love to see your face!

I loved this piece from Lorissa Horton about the way parental leave is going...and moreover, the way it has to go.

To quote Lady Mary Crawley (yes, that IS a Downton Abbey reference in 2023) "The world moves on and we must move with it." And by "we" I do mean corporate parental leave policies. The article reflects on the what and why to build your families timeline around (hint: it's not your company's review schedule) and how parental leave looks and functions different for every parent.

In the fight for more equity, home is a very important place to start and without parental leave for all the whole conversation falls flat.

It's been officially Spring for a little bit, but it's starting to FEEL like Spring in the North East just NOW and I've noticed something on my walks: Spring Cleaning is VERY actively happening in the suburbs!

As a sometimes lost but excited organizational nerd I just adored this list of 16 ways to make Spring Cleaning more FUN. Parenting Coach, Stephanie Rosenfield suggests binging your fav podcast (noted!). Professional Organizer Shantae Duckworth has very, VERY good instructions about getting prepped. Professional Organizers, Brianna and Erica of Just Be Nola, LLC have some great ideas on how to make cleaning feel more fun and less like a chore and Body Coach Rachel Lovitt builds on that with a mindset shift suggestion! Lots of helpful hints and ways to make Spring Cleaning a pleasant kick off into the warm season!  

I love this piece from Aubrey Gordon that breaks down the category error of the presumed [and incorrect] binary refrain many of us have heard before: "You're not fat! You're beautiful!"

Aubrey breaks down for the readers why these two statements are not actually connected to each other and the difference between one statement that is by definition objectively true and another which is subjective in its very nature. I can always rely on Aubrey to tease apart ideas that sit wrong in my mind, but I can't exactly figure out why or how to verbalize.

If this article lights up your brain I highly recommend Aubrey's podcast with fellow impressive explainer and methodology queen Michael Hobbs called Maintenance Phase. Aubrey is a powerful voice in the Fat Justice movement and I am eagerly listening and taking notes whenever I can.


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