#5SmartReads - October 7, 2021

Hitha on student loan forgiveness, home health workers' dignity, and Tabitha Brown

I know this isn’t a popular opinion, but I think we should be focused on improving the programs we have on our books before prioritizing new programs.

Like adequately funding the ATF to enforce the gun laws we have on our books. Or fully evaluating and reforming the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, and offering immediate relief within it.

I’m pleased that the Biden administration is doing the latter.

Minda Harts’ new book has me in my feelings. A LOT OF FEELINGS.

Right Within needs to be mandatory reading for everyone - those entering the workforce, those managing teams, and definitely for board members and executives.

I am still processing the book and the past memories it has surfaced for me. Be gentle with yourself when you read it.

“The low pay and lack of benefits is a legacy of racism baked into President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, which left farm and domestic workers — many of them women, many people of color — out of the job and financial protections it offered. As Congress debates President Joe Biden’s proposed $3.5 trillion Build Back Better legislation, which includes funds for home care and provisions that would make it easier for care workers to organize, advocates for caregivers say it’s a chance for the country to show new respect for their work and move toward compensating it fairly.”

Build Back Better, indeed.

If you haven’t read/listened to Tabitha Brown’s new book…you must. (I recommend listening). If you’re not following her on Instagram, you’re also missing out on an account that will make you smile every single day.

And after you read how she stays centered throughout her busy day, you’ll want to. And you’ll probably be stocking up on some ashwagandha as well (I recommend Kalyaveda).

Like so, like that.

No words. Just read this.


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