5SR - February 13, 2024

Brooke on unmasking AI, deepfakes, and recycling

Today’s 5SmartReads contributor is Brooke Markevicius, a serial entrepreneur, tech nerd, and author of the forthcoming The Future Built by Women. She blends tech with purpose and makes it accessible to all. After impactful work with nonprofits, Brooke pivoted to tech, stirring up change with her company, Allobee, until its successful acquisition. Brooke calls Durham, NC home, where she's raising two kiddos with her husband and two rescue dogs.

As a history buff and tech enthusiast, I'm thrilled about the students who used AI to reveal the secrets of ancient Roman scrolls buried by Vesuvius. This is like watching history come to life through a high-tech lens.

It's amazing how we can now access philosophical works lost for millennia, thanks to the digital age. This innovative use of technology could revolutionize our understanding of ancient civilizations and represents a significant milestone in digital archaeology.

Joy Buolamwini's "Unmasking AI" isn't just a must-read because it's Black History Month — it's a wake-up call for the tech world every day of the year. Her voice rings out in a field where women of color are rare, and it's packed with the kind of truth-to-power moments that get you fired up.

With AI shaping our lives more each day, we've got to listen when someone like Joy flags the bias in the system. It's about making tech work for everyone, not just a few.

Kara Swisher's take on how Silicon Valley reshaped the media lands with a sharp insight. She pulls no punches in detailing how an army of tech bros, armed with disruptive ideas and oversized egos, flipped the media industry on its head.

Through a lens that's both critical and candid, she examines the collision between innovation's breakneck pace and the often-overlooked ethical considerations in managing information. The narrative doesn't shy away from highlighting the industry's boys' club mentality, making a strong case for the importance of diverse voices in shaping our digital world.

In an era where connectivity is constant, Swisher's analysis serves as a crucial reminder of the significant impact wielded by those in control of the media megaphone.

This isn't your typical Taylor Swift story – it's a dive into the murky waters of AI ethics, sparked by her deepfake dilemma.

It’s a clear sign we need to shake up the education system to include AI smarts. By bringing the conversation about AI, ethics, and the impact of digital manipulation into classrooms, we're not just talking about protecting celebrities but arming our students with the knowledge to navigate and challenge the digital future.

It's time education caught up with technology, starting with lessons from Swift's own encounter with AI.

As a self-proclaimed tech for good nerd, I'm super excited about Bay City's initiative using AI to boost recycling efforts. This smart system, with cameras on garbage trucks analyzing residents' recycling habits, offers direct feedback to improve recycling accuracy.

It's a prime example of technology being harnessed for a great cause, helping the environment one bin at a time. No penalties, just guidance toward better habits. It’s initiatives like these that demonstrate the powerful, positive impact tech can have on our daily lives and the planet.

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