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  • issue #65 - the one with no pithy description

issue #65 - the one with no pithy description

Pam’s tweet was a punch in the gut to me.

From March until the beginning of June, I was hunkered down in survival mode - home schooling Rho, completely revamping our company’s budget to make it through COVID, adjusting to living at my parents’ home.

In June and July, there was the anticipation of returning to New York. The ‘I will be home and settled so soon’ fantasy fueled me through keeping the kids entertained while getting work done and forgoing any kind of structure and routine.

And now, it’s August. We are home. Things have settled down.

But I’m still feeling completely unsettled, and even sometimes triggered by the small things.

Some of these feelings are due to perimenopause. Some have to do with finding a routine that works for me, after months of not having one. And some are rooted in the uncertainty of life for the foreseeable future, and just how BAD the news is all the time.

If you’re feeling anxious and unsettled and like you can’t catch a damn break, I feel you. I wish I could give you a hug or wave a magic wand to make this all go away.

Books, books, books!

  • Last Tang Standing (ARC provided by NetGalley) - billed as Crazy Rich Asians meets Bridget Jones’ Diary, I expected to LOVE this book. I did not. I found Andrea (the last Tang, if you will) whiny and annoying and the love stories forced. Then again, much of the book has to do with dining at restaurants and going to bars and I was just jealous. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but it was an easy read that my brain could handle right now.

This Week’s Reads(a bit of a new format - let me know if you prefer it this way, or want to see the most popular reads of each day first)






Things I Love This Week

Looking for my favorite things? You can find them here.

I hope you’re hanging in there. Thank you for letting me invade your inboxes once a week (and every weekday, for my paid subscribers).

May this week be a better one, for all of us.



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