Hitha on student loans, the Roman Empire, and the untold story behind our flags
Madison on the US' LGBTQ+ human rights score, a systemic racism call-out and women in the NFL
Hitha on nursing, Stacy London, and the meaning of a meal
Taber on California's new gun tax, Lyme disease, and Emmy Noether
Hitha on actual healthcare (and the business of it), inequity in sports, and the Metaverse's failure
Hitha on the women you should know, alcohol & friendships, and and's meaning.
Hitha on changemakers, immigration, and what we all should be eating more of
Abigail on Virgin River, America failing girls, and friendships after having children
Zara on workplaces and Covid, bridesmaid burnout, and bodies being brands
Hitha on Iran, royal retirement, and rural healthcare
Kate on IAAM, deconstructing the "Karen" meme, and the term "woke"
Hitha on drug costs, carbon capture, and the power of brand