Hitha on toxic masculinity, why COVID tests are impossible to find, and how to breathe
Hitha on the COVID vaccine’s impact on periods, racism, and the lost girls
Hitha on romance novels, fascism, and what the VAERS database is - and isn't
...and liked it?
Hitha on Kazakhstan, Shonda Rhimes, and what it's like being the child of an insurrectionist
Hitha on 1 year ago today, setting a framework for 2022, and how to do the splits
Hitha on how we should view January 6th, pandemic relief, and the joy of monotasking
Hitha on uniform dressing, libraries, and mucins.
Hitha on Omicron, what you didn't learn about the Civil War, and what women really need right now
Hitha on infrastructure, colorism, and what working motherhood really looks like